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    Assault vs battery under US Law

    This article written by Nishka Kamath, is an attempt to shed light on the difference between assault and battery and all the important pointers one must know about each of the offenses. Further, it...

    All about restatement of torts

    This article is written by Nikita Desai. It explains the concept of Restatements of Torts and how they took the form of different Restatements of Torts that provide rules and regulations for making someone...

    Theories of justice

    This article is written by Shreya Patra. This article covers the meaning of justice, the different views and concepts underlying justice, the elements of justice, the theory of justice written by Rawls with a...

    Protection of business interests under Torts

    This article is written by Gautam Badlani, a student at Chanakya National Law University, Patna. This article examines the various types of tort laws and how these torts protect the interests of business owners....

    All about Utility Patents in the US

    This article is written by Shreya Patra of Xavier Law School, Xavier University, Bhubaneshwar. This article broadly covers all aspects of utility patents, including but not limited to what utility patents are, the uses...

    Inchoate offenses under US law

    This article is written by Nishka Kamath. It covers all the important aspects one must know about inchoate offenses, including its basic elements, meaning, scope, types, examples, history, general rules, penalties, defenses, etc., with...

    Nuremberg laws to the Nuremberg trials

    This article is authored by Akash Krishnan, a law student from ICFAI Law School, Hyderabad. It discusses in detail the enactment of the Nuremberg laws and their aftermath under the Nazi regime. It further talks...

    All about unilateral contracts

    This article is written by Sushree Surekha Choudhury from KIIT School of Law, Bhubaneswar. The article talks about unilateral contracts from the perspective of US laws. It also explains the elements, types, and revocation...

    Contract formation in the USA

    This article is written by Shreya Patra. This article covers what exactly a contract is and its importance. Mutual assent - its meaning and role in contract formation; certainty - its meaning and role...

    US patent search guide

    This article is written by Satyaki Deb, an LL.M. candidate from the Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property Law, IIT Kharagpur. It deals with the basics of patent search briefly and delves into a...

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