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Theories of justice
This article is written by Shreya Patra. This article covers the meaning of justice, the different views and concepts underlying justice, the elements of justice, the theory of justice written by Rawls with a...
US Good Samaritan Law
This article is written by Nishka Kamath. It throws light upon the Good Samaritan Laws in the United States along with their history, purpose, objectives, features, and ground rules, inter alia. It also explains...
Contract formation in the USA
This article is written by Shreya Patra. This article covers what exactly a contract is and its importance. Mutual assent - its meaning and role in contract formation; certainty - its meaning and role...
Nuremberg laws to the Nuremberg trials
This article is authored by Akash Krishnan, a law student from ICFAI Law School, Hyderabad. It discusses in detail the enactment of the Nuremberg laws and their aftermath under the Nazi regime. It further talks...
Patent infringement in the United States
This article is written by Diksha Paliwal. It discusses in detail the laws pertaining to patent infringement in the US with the help of relevant US case laws. It also provides a basic understanding...
Natural Law theory
The article is written by Shriya Singh. It discusses in detail about natural law and the origin of the theory, as well as the contributions of various thinkers such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, etc....
Second degree assault under United States Law
This article is written by Upasana Sarkar, a student at Jogesh Chandra Chaudhuri Law College. This article aims to provide an understanding of second degree assault under US Law. It provides a detailed analysis...
Dworkin and interpretivism
This article has been written by Anubha Tewari. This article aims to provide a thorough understanding of Ronald Dworkin’s theory of law which is commonly associated with the doctrine of interpretivism. This article provides...
Strict liability under US Tort Law
This article is written by Pragya Agrahari of Amity Law School, Lucknow. This article provides a detailed analysis of the strict liability under US Tort Law, including its various forms, examples, defences provided to...
Third-degree assault under United States Law
This article is written by Diksha Paliwal, a student of LLM (Constitutional Law). The article discusses the noteworthy concepts of assault in the third degree. The latter part deals with the concept described above...
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