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    Crimes against property in the US

    This article is written by Nishka Kamath. It is an attempt to enlighten the readers about different types of crimes against property in the United States. The article has everything covered for crimes against...

    Wrongful disturbance of family relations under US Tort Law

    This article is written by Sanjana Santhosh, a law student at Christ (Deemed to be University), Bengaluru. The article explains the various tortious claims that may arise among family relations and the different state...

    Squatters rights in the United States (adverse possession)

    This article is written by Nishka Kamath, a graduate of Nalanda Law College, University of Mumbai. This article explains the concept of squatters’ rights in the United States (adverse possession), along with the concept of...

    US Antitrust laws

    This article is written by Sachi Bhiwgade. It discusses various aspects of antitrust laws in the United States of America. It also covers discussions regarding various antitrust laws in the United States, their requirements,...

    All about dilution of Trademarks in the US

    This article has been written by Nikita Desai. This article explains the concept of trademark dilution and its development from numerous case laws in the US, along with the enactment of FTDA and TDRA....

    Human rights in the United States

    This article has been written by Oishika Banerji of Amity Law School, Kolkata. It discusses the concept of human rights with respect to the United States of America, while also highlighting the present scenario.  It...

    Rights in unregistered marks in the United States

    This article has been written by Cheyanne Pereira, currently pursuing her B.A.LLB. from Amity University, Kolkata. The focal point of the article is the Rights in Unregistered marks in the United States and the...

    Romeo and Juliet Law in the USA

    This article has been written by Nikunj Arora of Amity Law School, Noida. This article provides a detailed analysis of Romeo and Juliet Laws in the United States of America. The article also explains...

    Conditions of Protection of Trademarks in the US

    This article is written by Palak Poddar, a law graduate of  Banasthali University, Rajasthan. The article discusses the conditions required for the protection of trademarks in the US, along with various concepts related to...

    All about the Writ of Habeas Corpus in the US

    This article has been written by Oishka Banerji of Amity Law School, Kolkata. This article discusses the concept of writ of Habeas Corpus in light of the United State of America.  ‍It has been published...

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