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    Contract formation in the USA

    This article is written by Shreya Patra. This article covers what exactly a contract is and its importance. Mutual assent - its meaning and role in contract formation; certainty - its meaning and role...

    US Good Samaritan Law 

    This article is written by Nishka Kamath. It throws light upon the Good Samaritan Laws in the United States along with their history, purpose, objectives, features, and ground rules, inter alia. It also explains...

    Vicarious liability under United States Tort Law

    This article is written by Anushka Singhal, a student from Symbiosis Law School, NOIDA. In this article, she discusses vicarious liability under torts in the United States. This article goes through the definition, the...

    Erie Railroad vs. Tompkins case

    This article is written by Nishka Kamath. It is divided into two major parts. The former part is the case analysis and significance of the  Erie Railroad Co. v. Tompkins, 304 U.S. 64 (1938)...

    Sexual assault vs. rape under US Law

    This article is written by Nishka Kamath, a graduate of Nalanda Law College, University of Mumbai. It gives an overview of the distinction between sexual assault and rape under US law. Further, an attempt...

    Corporate Social Responsibility

    This article is written by Anvita Bhardwaj, a student pursuing B.A. LL.B. from Symbiosis Law School, NOIDA. This article explains the concept of corporate social responsibility, its types, importance, and approaches while highlighting why...

    Prenuptial Agreement

    This article is written by Ms. Sushree Surekha Choudhury, a law student from KIIT School of Law, Bhubaneswar. The article talks about prenuptial agreements in the United States, mentioning relevant laws and providing a...

    Romeo and Juliet Law in the USA

    This article has been written by Nikunj Arora of Amity Law School, Noida. This article provides a detailed analysis of Romeo and Juliet Laws in the United States of America. The article also explains...

    Third-degree assault under United States Law

    This article is written by Diksha Paliwal, a student of LLM (Constitutional Law). The article discusses the noteworthy concepts of assault in the third degree. The latter part deals with the concept described above...

    All about the US Executive

    This article has been written by Ayush Tiwari, a student of Symbiosis Law School, NOIDA. This article elaborates on the Executive Branch of the United States Government by making one understand the role and...

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